1/23/24 Surgery & Update

Today Matthew had a little procedure done at the hospital and he was such a champ.

We had a 6:30 a.m. check in time which required an early morning but you can’t tell it from these smiley pics.

He was the perfect patient- so happy and chill. All the nurses just gushed over him and he was so content just hanging out until they took him back for the surgery. His prep nurse said she wished all their babies could be so easy.

Afterward, his surgeon came and found me in the waiting room to fill me in on everything and then he said Matt was quite the popular little man. When I walked into the post op room, it was full of nurses and doctors fussing over him. 💙

First pic post surgery 🥰

He got a spinal block instead of general anesthesia, so we were able to go home pretty quickly afterward.

He got a little sick on the way home but since then has been resting and eating just fine.

Some other highlights from this month…

🎵 His favorite song lately 🎵
Growling is one of his recently acquired skills and preferred forms of communication as of late
People ask me if he ever cries and yes he does sometimes but he usually follows it up with a big smile 😆
And sometimes it’s a half laugh half cry