April 13 Update

There’s some construction going on outside the NICU, so Jana dressed up the kiddos and took their pics. He gets to keep his little vest. 🥰

Weight: 3125 g (6 lbs 14 oz) His weight has been up and down all week. Nothing to worry about. It just depends on how full/heavy his diaper was before we weighed him.

When I got to the hospital this afternoon, the nurse was already trying to feed him. She had started his cares early because he had been awake for a while. He wasn’t really taking his bottle, so I asked if I could try and breastfeed him, and she said yes, so I did, and he ate like a champ. He did the same thing his next care time, too.

His night nurse told me that, while it wasn’t for sure, they are talking about letting him come home with his NG tube after we are trained properly, so if he doesn’t breastfeed, we can feed him that way. He is really inconsistent with the bottle but usually does well breastfeeding.

So there’s finally talk of him being able to come home! 🙌 🤞 Hopefully while we are up there this weekend, we will get more information about that.

He woke up early and hungry for his 6:30 p.m. cares, and then after he ate I put him in his bed but he didn’t settle until he was back snuggling with his mama.🥰