April 14/15 Update

Weight: 3160 g (6 lbs 15.5 oz)

Feedings: 58 ml over 30 min every 3 hours

Dustin and I came up to the hospital to hang out with Matthew and stay over night at the guest house (Thank you, Vovo, for taking care of our other kiddos 😊). It was so nice to spend almost a full 24 hours with the little man. He’s such a sweetie. When we got there, he was sound asleep.

While we were there, we talked to Dr. Fuller who said they’d been talking about our little guy and she explained our options moving forward with either an NG feeding tube (in the nose) or a G tube (in the stomach). We’ve decided to go with the G tube for Matthew. He does well breastfeeding most of the time but whenever he doesn’t, we will be able to feed him the rest through his G tube. It’s a little safer and more long term and with Matthew’s trisomy 21, we just aren’t sure how long he will need extra help eating. It will also be nice to get rid of the tube through his nose and hopefully reduce some of his congestion.

So, that’s the plan. They called Primary Children’s Hospital because he will need to be transferred there for the surgery (simple procedure). They said they were full yesterday but have some babies going home over the next few days. So, hopefully within the week we will be over there and hopefully we can time it where he can have his surgery soon after getting there. After the surgery, he’ll stay over night but then he’ll be able to come home. 😃