April 17 Update

Weight: 3295 g (7 lbs 4 oz)

Length: 51 cm

Head: 34.5 cm

Feeding: 60 ml over 30 minutes every 3 hours (about 16 oz a day)

Matthew was so calm and patient during his cares and weekly evaluation tonight as he waited for his dinner…thanks to his amazing nurse, Marci, who always treats him with such gentle, calm, loving care. She’s incredible. I’ve learned so much from her and feel completely confident and comfortable when I know she’s taking care of our little guy.

Matthew ate about 30 ish% today by mouth. Last night, he even drank a whole 60 ml bottle. Then he got a little tired after that…so it averaged about 30 something % in the last 24 hours which isn’t bad for him.

He ate pretty well for me tonight but then got really tired.

The doctor said that Matthew’s congestion had improved today and that his lungs sounded better than ever. She also said they hadn’t heard back from Primary Children’s Hospital yet but that they would call tomorrow to follow up with them.