April 25 Update

Today we said goodbye to what has been Matthew’s home for the past 88 days…and what was my home for 2 weeks prior to that. It was very difficult to say goodbye to these wonderful people who have become part of our family. The kids helped me make some blue and yellow rubber band bracelets for all 100 + staff members who have looked after our little man, and we took some thank you cards and pictures over to Labor and Delivery and Maternal Fetal Medicine as well. We are so grateful to all of these wonderful people who have helped us through these past few months. No words can express how much they mean to us.

Life Flight came at around 11:15 a.m. to get Matthew. Thank you to Jana, Dr. Fuller, and the nurses who helped get him ready for the transfer and helped pack up all his little things for us to bring home. Dustin rode with him in the ambulance and I took William home. Will got to peek in the room through the window and he enjoyed being there to “help” Baby Matt. He loved helping me push the cart down to the car with all of Matt’s things.

The transfer equipment was a bit intimidating, I’ll be honest. He was definitely very safe in his little bed. It was on a very long gurney with anything and everything that could possibly be needed to keep him safe and well in any kind of emergency. Dustin said Matthew did very well on the journey over to Primary Children’s Hospital.

At Primary Children’s, they got Matthew all situated and Dustin stayed with him for the rest of the afternoon. Someone from the surgical team came by to give Dustin some information on the surgery. They think they might be able to squeeze Matthew in tomorrow evening. 🤞

When the kids got home from school, I gave them the good news: They were going to get to go down to the hospital with me to pick up Dad and meet their little brother for the first time. 💙