April 4 Update: 40 Weeks!

Weight: 2940 g (6 lbs 7.7 oz)

Length: 48 cm (46.5 cm last week)

Head: 33 cm (32 cm last week)

Matthew’s due date is technically tomorrow (April 5th), but somewhere along the line the dates got changed by a day. So today, he’s 40 weeks and we got to spend some extra time together. I got to give him a bath all by myself. I felt like I had never bathed a child before 😆. He still seems so fragile at times but actually he’s incredibly strong, even despite his lower muscle tone. One of the NPs told me tonight that earlier in the day, she was looking at his tongue and he kept batting her hand away. She was surprised how strong he was.

Matthew ate like a champ tonight- a whole 22 minutes. That is considered a full feed, so we didn’t need to supplement at all with either a bottle or through his feeding tube. He was amazing. It’s like he knew how sad I was today about him not getting to come home, and he wanted to give an extra good effort. “Look, Mom! I can do it. I’m trying my best. I want to come home, too.” He was so happy and full after his dinner that he fell fast asleep. We got to snuggle until his next care time.

He was way too tired to eat again during his next care time, so we put him back to bed and gavaged him (gave him his milk through his feeding tube). He was sleeping peacefully when l left and braved the snow storm home. 😬