April 5 Update: Happy Due Date, Matthew Lucas!

Weight: 2925 g (6 lbs 7 oz)

Unfortunately the nurses have noticed that Matthew is showing signs of an aversion to eating by mouth (oral aversion). 😩 He chomps on the bottle nipple, eats sloppily, has a tendency to choke and desat while eating, and he’s got something going on with his tongue but it could just be connected to his Trisomy 21–they aren’t sure.

So Matthew now has a feeding plan.

He did well breastfeeding tonight—not as well as last night but not bad for him. So I’m wondering if he would do better if he could breastfeed at each feeding instead of bottle feeding. We are working on doing a 12-24 hour trial to see how he does. I’ll stay up at the hospital for a day and try to breastfeed him during each care time. Maybe we will get some more answers.

Matthew was a little fussy as I got ready to leave tonight. I think he was refluxing a bit. Poor little guy.

I picked him up and held him for a few more minutes. He settled down and seemed much more comfortable and peaceful as I got ready to leave. 🥰 He is so precious.