August 13 Update

We got results back from Matthew’s Oximetry study. He was hooked up to a small pulse oximeter overnight for about 12 hours while it recorded his saturation levels and heart rate. His average saturation was 95.4 which is pretty good. He did however spend about 30% of the recorded time below 93 which isn’t great. They like to see that percentage much lower between 4-5%. He had pretty frequent desaturations throughout the night that did not coincide with movement or the sensor failing to read properly. His pulmonologist is a little concerned about that, so she’s ordered an overnight sleep study to test him for obstructive sleep apnea, which he is at a much higher risk for due to his Trisomy 21. And if he does have it and it were to go untreated, it would put his heart at risk (pulmonary hypertension).

Sleep studies are being scheduled way far out right now (he’s scheduled for March 19 😂), but he’s on the cancellation list, so hopefully we can get it done before the end of the year.

In the meantime, we have to keep Matthew on oxygen while he sleeps.

“Mama, want Matt.”