August 6 Update (Mattie’s Giggles😍)

Weight: 12.5 lbs

Matthew’s therapists are amazed and so pleased at the progress he’s made over the last two weeks. He’s always been such a strong kiddo. His OT said we should be very hopeful for his development and abilities as he grows up seeing how strong he is now and how well he’s able to perform and combat the lower muscle tone that typically accompanies Trisomy 21.

Matt’s putting weight on his feet when we hold him up. He’s grabbing things and holding onto them. He’s smiling, giggling, cooing, tracking, and interacting well. He is able to hold his head up better and often rolling from tummy to back during tummy time. He’s also learning to pace himself better so we can feed him in a cradle position (he’s usually fed in an elevated side-lying position).

Matt is doing great off oxygen during the day and even occasionally at night. We’re doing his oximetry test tonight and then will hopefully get the results this week and with any luck say goodbye to oxygen therapy for good.

Super excited about this kiddo’s progress! And he’s just an absolute angel.

Holding my own bottle
💕Meeting Mimi and Papi 💕