Dec 10 Update
It’s been a minute but here’s the latest with Matthew!
First of all…a few celebrations…
1. He is finished with his DocBand! 😃 No more helmet 🎉. That was a happy surprise for all of us, including the technician, Lien, who’s been working with us at Cranial Technologies. They took some digital images to see his progress and to decide whether or not he needed a second DocBand, which they’d said was likely in our first consultation… and then came in and gave us the happy news. Looking at his before and after pics was really exciting, and Lien told us that his head should continue to round out naturally. So we are thrilled.😁

2. Our three older kiddos were sick for about a 2 week span over Thanksgiving, but fortunately Matt and I stayed healthy, so we are feeling extremely grateful for that.
3. Also, Matthew yanked out his G-Tube one day and we successfully replaced it without having to call his nurse. 🙌
Now…on to the updates… and some fun memories from the last few weeks…

He got his leg braces! 👏 He’s not anywhere close to being able to walk but his PT wants to start using them to help him stand and practice bearing weight on his legs.

Feeding Update:
It’s been a little frustrating getting different opinions about and interpretations of the swallow study findings. I should have known it wouldn’t be so black and white. But luckily Matthew is doing well with solids and is adjusting to the tube feedings again, so we will continue to move forward and seek more advice on what to do in the coming months. For now, he takes all of his milk through his G-Tube and eats thick purées/cereal twice a day.

He’s extremely ticklish around his ears 😆 He even starts giggling in anticipation and it’s 🥰.

He’s 10 months old as of November 26th. 8th months adjusted as of December 5th💙

He’s become more interested in toys, and not sure if it’s teething or he’s just really missing his bottles but he is always wanting to gnaw on something 😆
He loves singing to Christmas carols 🎶 🎄
He was cracking himself up the other night when I put him to bed. 😂
Mattie has started doing this yelling thing. He sounds a little angry or in pain, but then sometimes he’ll give me a little grin when he’s finished, so I think he’s just talking…loudly.😆
Matt’s therapist was really surprised and excited to see how well he’s doing sitting in the Upseat and eating some solids. She didn’t think he’d be able to do it, but once again, he surprised them!
He still loves singing with me🥰 but he prefers it when I’m not videoing him. 😛