December 31 Update
Matthew has had a busy month.
He’s tried many new foods using a baby-led weaning approach. He’s still tube fed for all his milk, and we are getting used to the new schedule.
Matt is getting stronger and more active. He’s rolled over completely two times this month and it made me cry 😆. We are so happy to see this little one growing and developing.

Mattie has woken up a few times in the night on his belly wanting to roll back over.
We have been so blessed this year by so many around us. We have tried to give back where we can. We wanted to do something for the babies/families and staff at the NICU, and we got to take it all up there and see some of our favorite people from our time there. It was so wonderful.

Mattie (with mom’s help ;))made everyone a 12 Days of Christmas gift full of fun treats and surprises. Dad’s was a little different but this was what the kids’ looked like inside.

Ella made Mattie this sensory board for Christmas. 🥰