February 22 Update: 34.1 weeks

We haven’t been able to visit Matthew the last two days because Will had a fever. No other symptoms, though, so hopefully it was just teething and we can go back and visit tomorrow.

We got a few updates from a doctor and two nurses today. Little Matthew is still looking great. Normal labs. They were giving him caffeine up until the 19th but have stopped that and he’s doing fine. Caffeine therapy is a common treatment for apnea, which is more common in premature babies.

Matthew’s nurse said today that he is stealing hearts all over the NICU. She said he gave her the biggest smile and it just melted her heart. We often get told by the nurses how adorable he is and how much he is loved. We are so grateful for the wonderful care he is given there.

We did find out tonight that for the past 24 hours he has needed more oxygen than usual, which is abnormal for him, so they are going to keep monitoring that. It could mean that he has picked up some kind of respiratory infection, but not necessarily; so for now, they are just going to watch him and see how he does.