February 23 Update

34.2 Weeks old

4 Weeks since birth

Weight: 1612 g (3 lbs 9 oz)

Matthew was so cute tonight, and his nurses were so sweet. I recorded his care time and uploaded the videos to the post about his care routine.

He did amazing with non-nutritive breastfeeding. Once again, surprising us all with what he can do. He is a strong kiddo.

He still has to be on elevated oxygen levels (for about 2 days now). It was about 45 % when I got there, but during my visit, there were times where he needed even more. Still not sure what’s going on there.

We got some nice snuggles in tonight.

And he even gave us a few smiles 🙂 I have no idea why his face looks so round and he looks so big in these picks haha. He’s still just as small as ever in person.

And this is how I left sweet baby Matt tonight. Sweet dreams little one.