February 25 Update

Weight: 1686 g (3lbs 11 oz)

28 ml feedings(every 3 hours)

Getting his weight…not his favorite thing, but he has an excellent startle reflex

Tonight, Marci was our nurse and she is amazing. I told her that we are going to have to bring her home with us. 🙂 When she came in, she mentioned that Matthew had had a few desats since she got there, so she wanted to figure out what was going on with the little guy. She always does an extremely thorough evaluation during care time. A desat (desaturate) just means that the baby’s oxygen levels drop. Sometimes they come back up on their own, and sometimes they need help to come back up. Usually the nurses just give him a little more oxygen. She figured that he had some congestion or something, so she decided to clean out his little nose. Sure enough, she was able to suck out some milk and a huge boogie. She said the congestion is probably related to the increase in milk. It can cause more reflux where the milk will come up the back of the nose which can cause inflammation and congestion.

Anyway, he can breathe better now. Thank you, Marci!

I found out tonight that sometimes the multivitamin that they put in every feeding upsets his tummy and he throws up a little bit. 🙁 That made me sad…poor little guy.

A doctor came in to give us our daily update (Marci always makes sure they do when she is there). He said Matthew is looking good. The only thing they changed today was his to increase his feeding amount to 28 ml. I asked about the oxygen levels, and he said the same thing as Marci…probably due to the increase in food or sometimes the oxygen dries up the nose. I also asked him if Matthew is doing as well as they would hope at this stage and he said “Yes, but he needs to grow. He’s small, and he needs to keep growing.”

So, keep growing, little man. You got this.