February 27 Update

Weight: 1760 g (3lbs 14 oz)

Length: 40 cm

Head Measurement: 28 cm

Not a huge fan of getting blood pressure taken

Matthew’s head ultrasound went fine today. They didn’t see any signs of bleeding. His last ultrasound was done when he was one week old, and they saw a line of bright white spots between the two lobes. Sometimes bright spots like that can represent blood, so they thought it might be a bleed (They didn’t tell us this by the way. I don’t remember them even telling us he had had a head ultrasound, but there was a lot going on at that time, so who knows.). The bright spots were still there today, but there hasn’t been any change in them. If it had been a bleed, the blood would have reabsorbed and left a hole, but the spots look exactly the same, so they’ve decided it’s not a bleed. They don’t know what it is but assume it’s just something different about Matthew’s brain structure. If Matthew had any intraventricular hemorrhaging going on, they would have been able to see it by now, so they won’t need to follow up again.

Hiccups were the theme of the night, but eventually they went away, and we got lots of good snuggles in before I had to leave.

I even got a smile or two:)

Once Matthew’s weight reaches 1800 g, he can graduate from this isolette to an open crib. This isolette monitors his heat and keeps him extra warm while also reducing sound around him. In an open crib, he will be more a part of the world. Who knows, this might just be his last night in this little bed.