July 16 Update

This week was pretty chill as far as appointments go. Matt and I were kind of worn out from all the appointments last week, so I postponed his HEFT check up. And honestly, with two home therapists who advise on and monitor his feeding progress, I figure we’ve got plenty of help, so I may postpone indefinitely…but we’ll see.

We did meet with one of his feeding therapists this week, and she was pretty happy with his progress. He has dropped his early morning tube feed, so now he’s strictly oral fed. Hooray! The thickener is working fairly well and he’s eating pretty comfortably but still does have some aspirations/choking episodes. His therapist commented on his lack of coordination but noted that he’s still functional….meaning that his suck, swallow, breathing isn’t very rhythmic—and he likes to stop breathing sometimes when he’s eating—but he makes it work for him. It’s not uncommon for kiddos with his diagnosis to be a little wonky with their eating. In fact, she said we will most likely see some lack of coordination in other areas of his life as he grows.

He also loves to suck on his fingers.
We’ve seen big progress this week in his interest and strength during tummy time. He’s also been a lot more vocal.