July 23 Update

This week, Matthew has continued to work hard during tummy time. This kiddo is so strong and making huge progress holding up his head.

Waiting for the results

Matt still has two small ASDs that have not closed yet, but because they’re so small they shouldn’t cause any problems for now. They are still likely to close on their own, but if they haven’t by the time Matthew is 3 or 4 years old, he will have a small procedure to close them. It won’t be nearly as invasive as open heart surgery, though, so that’s good news.

Matthew is still at risk for pulmonary hypertension (because of his BPD and Trisomy 21 diagnoses), though, so as soon as pulmonologist clears Matthew to be off oxygen completely, we will wait a month and then go back in to cardiology to get checked out.

This week’s highlight: Meeting Uncle Ben and Grandma Chris!

For those who don’t know, my sister-in-law, Mara has a brother with Down syndrome. His name is Ben, and he has been a special part of our family for many many years. In fact, he was my boyfriend before I got married, and now he affectionately refers to me as his “old” girlfriend. 😆

Ben is a super special person, and so is his mom, Chris. We have been looking forward to this day for a long time. These two must have been friends in heaven.🥰