July 30 Update

Not too much to report this week, but he’s so close to getting off oxygen completely. Just waiting for Homecare to deliver the tech we need to do his oximetry test. In the meantime we’ve just been monitoring him occasionally throughout the day, and he went a whole 24 hours without oxygen and did just fine. So the end is in sight. 😃

Developmentally, he’s making progress too. He’s grasping more things, being more vocal, occasionally rolling from belly to back, tracking sounds, wanting to hold his bottle, and making progress on every day trying to hold up his head.

He’s really doing great…and he has the sweetest disposition and is just absolutely precious.

Our first thumb sucker❤️
He’s given us some adorable giggles recently, but we can never seem to capture them on video.
My new singing partner😃…and that’s his favorite song.