March 12 Update

This is how I found our little man tonight. He was trying to undress himself and had one arm completely out of his pajamas.😆

Weight: 2225 g (4 lbs 14 oz)

Matthew was a little antsy again tonight, but soon found his happy place and settled quickly. There is just nothing like his snuggles 🥰 . He was so relaxed and comfy. He had both of his arms spread out wide, and one of the nurses that popped in to start his feed said it looked like he was saying, “This is mine.” ❤️😆 I could have stayed there all night.

I hated to wake him when I had to go, but I got him back into bed and swaddled the best I could without stirring him too much. It is not easy navigating all those cords 😆. I’m sure his sweet nurse, Heidi, got him situated a little better after I left, but I loved “putting him to bed” tonight.