March 18 Update

2405 g (5 lbs 5 oz)

Shoutout to Matt’s nurse tonight, Leah. While I was changing his diaper, he decided he wasn’t finished yet and pooped all over his bed. It was everywhere 😆. I didn’t even know where to start to get him all cleaned up with all the cords and blankets and everything. She was a pro and had him and his bed as good as new in like one minute. Thanks, Leah! You’re the best. 😇

You can see him retracting in this video. That’s why they can’t wean him off the high flow yet. He’s still having to work extra hard to breathe sometimes.
Hospital. Hospital. Hospital. Matt. Matt. Matt. Mama. Mama. Car Car.

Lately he’s been doing this at the end of bedtime prayers while I’m at the hospital. Thanks for the love, sweet William😍