March 21 Update: 38 Weeks

Weight: 2465 g (5 lbs 7 oz)

Feeding: 48 ml/45 (every 3 hours)

They did another blood gas and a chest X-ray this morning and both looked great, so he’s back on a low flow cannula (we can see more of his face now hooray!) getting .5 liters of oxygen per minute (instead of the 2 he was getting). This was surprising to me since I still saw him retracting tonight, and I’m getting some mixed messages from nurses and nurse practitioners; so I asked for a neonatologist to call with an update. Hopefully, we will get some more info tomorrow.

After giving breastfeeding another try, Matthew got 5 ml of milk from a bottle tonight. The rest he got through his feeding tube while we snuggled.