March 22 Update

Weight: 2500 g (5 lbs 8 oz)

Tonight, Matthew had his best feeding ever. Super proud of this kid. He only had to get about 16 ml through his feeding tube. He only has a few more weeks left to really get breastfeeding down, so we were so happy to see some good progress tonight.

One of the neonatologists came by tonight (who incidentally also has a son with DS). He spent some time watching Matthew’s breathing and confirmed that the low flow cannula at .5 liters per minute is probably the best choice for now. Sometimes Matthew still has desats and fast breathing, but he doesn’t see any underlying concerns. He said that there were going to be side effects either way (keeping him at 2 liters or dropping down to .5) but that they didn’t want him to get stuck at 2 liters, so when they saw a window to drop him down, they took it.

They will do more labs/tests next week and before he’s discharged to double check and make sure there are no underlying conditions with the lungs or heart, but for now he’s comfortable with where we’re at.