March 4 Update

Weight: 1905 g (4 lbs 3 oz)

His umbilical cord stump finally fell off. It took longer than usual because they put an umbilical line in when he was born for feeding.

Matthew graduated to a big boy bed today:) He’s now in an open crib.

His feedings are up to 33 ml every 3 hours given over 75 minutes. His oxygen levels were better today. They were at 30% while I was there, and he’s had fewer desats lately. His nurse practitioner today was a new face and she couldn’t stop talking about how cute and sweet Matthew is. She said that he will be a sweet boy as he grows. Feisty and sweet.🥰

Matt was a little more fussy today than I’ve ever seen him. Not sure what that was about. Maybe just getting used to his new bed. But I left him sleeping soundly.