March 9 Update

Happy 6 weeks, little guy! We can’t believe it’s already been that long since you were born.

Weight: 1290 g (4 lbs 10 oz)

Poor little guy had another eye exam today, so he’s looking a little worse for the wear but still adorable as always. The results from the exam are great. No signs of ROP and his blood vessels have almost completely matured.

He had a few desats (drops in his oxygen levels) today near the end of his feedings. So it was probably because of reflux, and he stopped breathing to swallow his food back down. That should get better with time.

As I snuggled him close tonight, I just soaked it in. No picture or video could ever truly capture the sweetness of those few minutes. He was cuddled on my chest, slightly curled up like I imagine he would have been in the womb. His little spiky hair was poking up so perfectly, and he was sleeping soundly. It’s so amazing to look at him and imagine him just as he is but inside me. That’s so crazy to think about. Babies are incredible.