Matthew’s Name

We have always tried to give our children very meaningful names—names that would remind them of who they are and their potential, that communicate some truth that we hope they’ll carry with them throughout their lives.

As soon as we had our first anatomy scan with Matthew that confirmed his Trisomy 21 diagnosis, we knew he needed an especially meaningful one—one that would reflect the gift he is and all that he will bring to us and to the world. So we chose Matthew Lucas.

Matthew: “Gift of God” (Hebrew)

Lucas: “Bringer of light” (Greek and Latin)

We knew that he was a gift given to our family and that he would be a great light. Even before he was born, he brought a unique tenderness, a beautiful peace, and a special love to our home.

While I was in the hospital, I did a little writing. This was a journal entry I wrote a few days before Matthew was born. We didn’t know if he would survive or not. It was a very uncertain time, but we felt an incredible amount of peace.


“I’m here in the hospital while Matthew is being continuously monitored. He’s so active and seems so fine when I get to see him on the ultrasounds, but I know his growth restriction is serious.

The doctors and nurses are very kind and seem to understand the weight of the unknown that we carry.

Sometimes I think I can imagine this little guy running around with our other kiddos. Part of our family. But he usually has someone else’s face in my mind. It’s difficult to really see him.

His name though has always been so powerful to me.

Matthew Lucas.

Gift of God.


He definitely has been both of those things for us. He has brought us peace and tenderness into our home and into my heart. I have felt a healing inside me throughout this whole process and a connection with heaven.

No matter what happens, this baby is a blessing, a gift, and a light in our home and in me.”

We are confident this little one will live up to his name and be even more than we could ever imagine. We feel incredibly blessed to have him in our family.💙