Matthew’s NICU Memory Video

Today marks 3 months since Matthew’s due date. It’s amazing to see how far this little guy has come. I’ve been wanting to put together a little memory video of his time in the hospital: 89 days in McKay-Dee’s NICU and 2 days at Primary Children’s. There is no way to capture those 3 months accurately, but this is a little glimpse. My one regret is that we did not take many pictures of the wonderful staff we got to work so closely with. They truly became part of our family and will stay in our hearts forever. I think we were expecting to have more notice before being discharged and having time to say goodbye to everyone and snap some pics, but because he was transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital for surgery, we didn’t find out we were leaving until the night before…and then the morning he was transferred was a little wild and crazy. But even though we don’t have a lot of pictures, we will never forget all the wonderful angels at McKay-Dee’s NICU. I love you dearly, and I love that I can hear your voices in so many of the videos we have of Matthew. I will never forget you.

For this video, I chose three songs that are meaningful to me and to our journey with Matthew.

  1. Little Miracle of Mine by Dana McKeon: Matt truly is a miracle. I used to listen to this song on my drives up to the hospital, and I just fell in love with it.
  2. Heaven Down by Tim Halperin: I really enjoy Tim’s music, and this song in particular describes our little Mattie perfectly–he truly has brought heaven down to earth with him.
  3. Souviens-Toi is a French hymn set to the music of Antonin Dvorak’s New World Symphony (Largo). It is a beautiful song that I have loved for many years. It came to mind around the time he was born, and I have hummed/sung it to him every day since.