May 14 Update: Happy Mother’s Day

Today I got the best gift I could ask for…a whole day at home with my family just hanging out and being together. It’s been quite an exhausting year so far, and that was just what we all needed. It was so nice.❤️

Matt’s been home over 2 weeks and is doing really well. His G tube has healed nicely so far and he’s able to do tummy time now. He’s also done great taking a bottle occasionally, so we are going to start transitioning him slowly to all bottle feeds with the thickened fortified breast milk. His digestive system just needs a little time to get used to the thicker milk.

Each day is busy and full with several appointments each week, but they are often virtual, so that’s nice because it is quite the process taking this kid out and about. This week, we have a virtual appointment with his feeding therapist and one with Early Intervention and then an in person appointment with the HEFT (Home Enteral Feeding Transitions) Clinic to evaluate his feeding situation.

Amidst all the appointments, we still get in lots of good snuggles and play time:)

Matt fell asleep while getting a sponge bath. I was drying his head and snapped this pic 😂