May 24 Update

Weight: 9 lbs

Length: 52.5 cm

Matthew’s doing great. He’s up to 3 full bottle feeds a day and will be going to 4-5 probably by the end of the week. Still needs the slightly thickened milk. He’s getting about 77 ml every 3 hours. He’s sleeping well and cooing and making progress with tummy time.

He meets with a feeding therapist once every 2 weeks in our home (or via Skype). He had a very in depth appointment with the HEFT clinic last week that included a dietician, a feeding therapist, and a GI specialist. They changed the recipe for his milk slightly but other than that, no big changes.

He will begin some occupational and massage therapy next month through early intervention and will see a pulmonologist and a cardiologist in July. He will also see his primary care provider next week for his 4 month well check (even though gestationally he’s only about 47 weeks).

Other than all that, he’s a pretty typical newborn on a pretty typical eat, play, sleep schedule every 3 hours. And he gets lots of love from little hands at our house.🥰