Meet Matthew Lucas

Our Matthew Lucas. Born at 2:15 p.m. on January 26, 2023 at just 30.2 weeks. This sweet kiddo joined us early because of consistently abnormal heart tracings, absent end diastolic flow, and a pretty serious growth restriction (IUGR-Intrauterine growth restriction). Basically, my placenta was not supplying him with the needed oxygen and nutrients for normal growth. He was several weeks behind his gestational age and weighed just 2 lbs 4 oz when he was born.

He was, however, despite all that, a surprisingly active little guy in the womb; and the doctors, nurses, and technicians were constantly amazed by his activity. He kept the nurses in Labor and Delivery on their toes for almost two weeks before he was even born as I was in the hospital for continuous monitoring. They were in the room every hour and sometimes several times an hour for days having to “find” him on the monitor… again…and again. One of the nurses (you know who you are :)) even gave him a nickname…Tippy…since he kept her constantly on her tip toes. The ultrasound technicians found it equally difficult to get the measurements needed to monitor his condition. He was just so incredibly spunky, constantly moving and showing off.

I mean…seriously…that’s his leg up by his head…

During my time in the hospital before he was born, there was so much unknown, so much confusion, and an incredible amount of uncertainty as to the best course of action to take and whether or not Matthew would even make it. But the one thing that has remained constant, even almost a month later, is this kid’s fight. All of the doctors and caregivers around me (and him) were trying to decide what to do, and he was just swimming around in there without a care in the world. I’ll bet he was saying “I got this, guys. Don’t even worry about it. I’m going to be fine. Oh and by the way…. I’m bringing an extra chromosome with me, so be ready. ”

Yep, this little man has Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome). We already knew about his diagnosis from pre-screening tests and his anatomy scans, but it was confirmed to us at birth by his adorable little eyes, his cute little tongue constantly poking out of his mouth, and several other common indicators. He is so precious in every way.

And he was right. He’s doing just fine. He’s got this.

Matthew Lucas is thriving and stealing hearts in the NICU every day, and we couldn’t be happier or more hopeful for this little guy’s future. It’s going to be an adventure.

3D picture taken during a Doppler ultrasound less than 3 hours before he was born
Just minutes after he was born
The NICU nurses call him a little “spicy pepper.”
This kid is so strong…in every way.

Update: After 89 days in the NICU at McKay-Dee hospital in Ogden, Utah, Matthew was transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital to have a G-Tube placed. He turned 3 months old the day of his surgery and then got to come home…91 days after his birth.

He is still thriving and growing and getting stronger every day. He has a team of doctors, specialists, therapists, and nurses that we meet with regularly and an awesome team at home that just love him to bits. He truly is such a gift to our family.