Nov 12 Update

It was a pretty full week for our little Mattie Luke. He had a well check on Monday and he’s growing well.

Head Circumference: 41.5 cm
Length: 66 cm
Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz (6.52 kg)

We found out that he’s anemic and his vitamin D levels, which were quite high coming out of the hospital, are now slightly low, so he will go back on his multivitamin to help fix both issues. He was such a champ getting his blood drawn though. Didn’t even flinch. The ladies working with him fell completely in love and were amazed at how calm he was. I was more nervous than he seemed to be 😆- I hate needles.

He got two doses of an RSV vaccine to help protect him this winter. Being premature and having a lung disease makes him much more susceptible and in a more serious situation if he were to catch it.

Matthew loves to bang his hands/arms down, and he loves staring at his hands. He’s also started making some new sounds and babbling more. His favorite sounds this week were “nah,” “da,” “gah,” and “yah.” Dad was pretty happy about that second one. 😆 We tried to catch it on camera but he’s got a sense for when he’s being videoed and he will not perform 😛.

He also did the cutest thing one day, but I haven’t been able to get him to do it since. He would mimic me sticking out my tongue and saying “nah nah nah.” It was so adorable. We caught a little on camera but once again, not his best performance. 😆

What is it about those hands? He’s completely obsessed. 🥰

He’s been rolling over onto his side a lot more.

Late Halloween post…I’m not really big into dressing up my littles for Halloween, but Mattie reminds us of a little baby gorilla so this hoodie was perfect for the occasion. It was actually his oldest brothers when he was a baby…see pics below of our son, Dustin when he was almost 5 months old with my husband on Halloween wearing the same hoodie.