October 22 Fall Pics & Update

Mattie is doing great with all of his therapy. He had a Neonatal follow up appointment this week, and they assessed his neurological/gross motor/fine motor skills. It was a telehealth appointment, so the results weren’t perfect; but from what they could see, he is performing at an average level for preterm babies in fine motor and below average for gross motor. His score for the neurological portion of the assessment put him in the “at risk” category but only because of his low muscle tone (a Trisomy 21 characteristic). So overall, we are really pleased with his progress, and they were pleased with all the therapy he is receiving. So we will just keep at it.

Snuggle bug

Other things of note this week…Matt and I had a two day date while the rest of the family went camping. We had lots of good time together and went on some fun adventures exploring our new neighborhood. We also had a visit from Aunt Jacki which was such a treat🥰.

Matt was also fitted for leg braces this week. He will need them for when he starts walking (due to low muscle tone, ligament laxity, and joint hypermobility), but his PT wants to get them now to help him practice putting more weight on his legs/feet in a standing position. The braces will be ready right before Thanksgiving.