Thank you L&D

Dear Friends in Labor and Delivery,

I know you see a lot of patients and probably don’t remember me, but my name is Brittney Phelps. I was hospitalized in the middle of January, off and on for about 2 weeks, before my son was born prematurely at 30.2 weeks. It was a stressful and uncertain time, but I have nothing but sweet feelings about the Labor and Delivery wing at McKay-Dee Hospital. And I have a special place in my heart for all of you.

You were all so kind, attentive, and understanding; and many of you took the time to get to know me (and my family) personally. I cannot adequately express the gratitude I feel for all of you and for the sweet moments I had while in your care.


Thank you for not only doing your job so well but also for listening, for explaining and re-explaining, for laughing and chatting during the calm times, and for offering support, encouragement, and compassion during the difficult ones. You helped lighten my burden, and I love you all and your little corner of the hospital so much. McKay-Dee’s L&D will always be a special place to me.

I don’t remember everyone’s names, but these are some of the nurses I worked with, many of whom I got to know quite well. I love you all🥰… and everyone else whose name I can’t remember. Thank You!

Taylor- Thank you for being my nurse during my first overnight stay in the hospital.

Lauren- Thank you for helping to check me in and for popping in at other times to help out. I love your hair, by the way.

Kenzi – Thank you for constantly repositioning the monitor and for being there when my little guy kept having big dips and things got a little scary. You were always so calm and attentive.

Nicole – Thank you for checking me in and for being so kind as I learned exactly why I was being admitted and the seriousness of the situation.

Chivon – Girl, we’ve got a lot of memories, and I can’t wait to tell my little Matthew about you one day and the nickname you gave him haha. You were so fun to work with and just so kind and compassionate. You took time to listen and chat and I love that I ran into you at the NICU and you got to sneak a quick peek at our little miracle.

Jill- You were so so much fun to be around. I got to work with you several times and you just helped keep things light and fun. You helped with lots of Matthew’s little “dippity doos” as you liked to call them.

Sabrina- You and Jill made me laugh a lot. I could tell you loved your jobs, and I so appreciated you both taking such good care of me.

Madi (x2)- I know I worked with two Madis, and I so appreciated you both. One of you was my discharge nurse during one of my stays. The other, I remember having to come in a lot at night to help reposition the monitor or help me with things, and I so appreciated your kindness. You even came to help me one night when the nurse assigned to me was busy, and I immediately recognized your sweet voice even though I was totally out of it. Thank you for everything.

Heather- Thank you for all the chats about family, travel, and life. You were so nice to take the time to listen and talk with me. It was such a nice distraction:)

Esmeralda- You are one of the sweetest people I have ever met, and I appreciated your gentle manner and kind words. They truly touched me.

Cara- Thank you for being so kind and considerate toward me and also to my kids when they came to visit. You were just so sweet to them.

Darcie- Thank you for being so nice and fun to work with. You were always willing to chat and you always said “thank you” when you left my room. For some reason I remembered that. 😊

Cari- Thanks so much for helping to get me prepped when we knew a c-section was getting closer. You wanted me to be well prepared.

Jodee- Thank you for helping me get through another magnesium treatment and doing what you could to make me more comfortable.

Barb- You were there during a particularly emotional but sweet time. I felt heard and understand by the doctors and I felt such sweet understanding and compassion from you. You recognized and acknowledged the weight I was carrying and told me to keep my chin up and that it would be alright. You appreciated my realistic perspective, and I was just so grateful to have someone who could understand what I was feeling in that moment.

Dr. Murphy- Thank you so much for being so blunt just when I needed it. I appreciated the time you took to help me understand our situation more clearly and for checking in throughout my stay.

Makell- Your upbeat personality was so fun to have as we prepared for my c-section without a whole lot of notice. I was really nervous about it, but you helped keep things light. Thanks so much for helping to deliver our little guy.

Dr. Bodnar- Thank you for helping our little guy make his grand entrance. You helped make the experience a sweet one and you made sure I would heal nicely, and so far, so good. Thank you!

Thank you to all of the staff in Labor and Delivery. You are an important part of our story, and I will remember you forever. I hope we run into each other some day. My family and I would love to hear from any of you who want to follow our little Matthew’s story or who just want to keep in touch.

God bless you all.🥰